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Evidence Against Darwinism's Tree of Life with Discovery Institute's Casey Luskin
Casey Luskin: The scientists are wrong
Shortest Scientist vs Creationist debate ever.
Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute lying on the TeeVee
Casey Luskin: Do Humans Share Common Descent with Hominids?
Discovery Institute's Casey Luskin Destroys thunderf00t #thunderf00t #evolution #intelligentdesign
[PODCAST] Why Are Evolutionists Now Doubting Evolution? with Dr. Casey Luskin
Summary of Evidence Against Universal Common Ancestry (with Casey Luskin)
Does the Evidence Support Universal Common Ancestry? (with Casey Luskin?)
DRTV Above the Paygrade - Casey Luskin: Bill Nye, Undeniable, and Intelligent Design [S5E9]
An Introduction To Intelligent Design - Dr Casey Luskin
Casey Luskin Interviewed by Apologetics315